SYA - Shape You Africa
SYA stands for Shape You Africa
Here you will find, what does SYA stand for in Fashion under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Shape You Africa? Shape You Africa can be abbreviated as SYA What does SYA stand for? SYA stands for Shape You Africa. What does Shape You Africa mean?The Nigeria based company is located in Yaba, Lagos engaged in apparel & fashion industry.
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Alternative definitions of SYA
- Since You Ask
- Since You Ask
- School Year Abroad
- Southwestern Youth Association Soccer
- Shemya Island, Alaska
- Shoot Your Ass
- Struggling Young Artist
- Sy Young Award
View 21 other definitions of SYA on the main acronym page
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- SCL Seven Consultancy Ltd
- SPUKP Scottish Power UK PLC
- SCPL Surya Contractors Private Limited
- SFI Superior Fire Inc.
- SMD Shaw Marketing and Design
- SWT Southeast Wood Treating
- SIID Studio International Interior Design
- SFC South Fellowship Church
- SWCI Speak the Word Church International
- SMTAL Scottish Motor Trade Association Ltd
- SSR Switchgear Search and Recruiting
- SRI Sultan Realty Inc
- SDITS Six Degrees IT Solutions
- SJW See Jane Work
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